

#1 marketing mistake youā€™re probably making (because I see everyone making it)

Let's live in a world where we’re all going to run a marathon next year. 

(marathon runners don’t come for me, I’ve been you before, all the respect to you).

But let’s live in that world for a minute because I have a question for you:

If you are going to run a marathon next year, how are you going to train? 

You have 2 options:

  1. You will run a series of short, intense sprints 3-4 days a week until the marathon, never running for more than a mile at a time
  2. You will run long, slow distances slowly building up your endurance

This is not a perfect example of training plans, I know that, but humor me and choose. 

If you have to run a marathon next year and these are your only 2 choices, how are you training? A or B?

I’m guessing (hoping) all of you chose B.

Which is correct and wildly obvious: Option A is a great option to win a 100m race; Option B is a great option to win a marathon. 

But Option B is a terrible option to win a 100m...

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