#10: Aligning Marketing and Growth

Do you struggle to decide your marketing strategy? Do you know if you want to reach as many people as possible or just your target audience?

In this episode I discuss a shift I'm making in my own marketing strategy. Previously focused on one-on-one work and relationship marketing, I'm now transitioning to teaching more bootcamps, which requires a higher volume of leads. This shift means I'm going to need to balance my marketing strategies, incorporating more traffic marketing alongside relationship marketing to align with her new product mix.

I explain the difference between relationship marketing (deep, authentic connections) and traffic marketing (mass outreach) and stress the importance of aligning marketing strategies with your business model.

I also highlight an opportunity for you to learn different marketing strategies and think through which might meet your own traffic and relationship marketing mix: Michelle Mazur’s summit, "Make Marketing Suck Less," which aims to help businesses find suitable marketing strategies. I'm kicking off the summit by talking about these same relationship and traffic principles and then she's welcoming a bunch of marketing experts to break down strategies you can consider incorporating if they match where you've landed on the marketing continuum.

For more details and to join the summit visit the registration page by clicking here.



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