Join Michelle Warner for a special live training and workshop
The Money’s In Your Network:
Find Your Next 3 Most Easeful (and Profitable) Relationship-Building Opportunities
June 14th 2 PM ET
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They say the money is in your list.
I don't agree.
I say the money is in your network because no matter how you build your list, having collaborative, authentic, long-term relationships inside your industry will help you do it faster and with more ease.
Problem is, no one teaches you how that connection between your network and easefully making money works, and they most definitely don't teach you how to build those relationships in the first place (because awkward).
I’m changing that in this brand new, free training.
On June 14th I’m not only going to convince you that the most easeful, joyful money can be found by collaborating with your network, I’m also going to help you find - live on the workshop - your next 3 most easeful relationship-building opportunities that are in front of you, ready for you to take action on, right now.
You’ll leave this workshop knowing:
1. Why the money is in your network and not in your list
2. The best kind of networking opportunities for your type of business
3. The 3 best specific networking opportunities in front of you right now - and your immediate next steps to start making them happen
This workshop is free and brand new - I’m teaching content I’ve never taught before.
Please join me.
The Money’s In Your Network:
Find Your Next 3 Most Easeful (and Profitable) Relationship-Building Opportunities
June 14 2 pm ET
"I didn't think networking was something you COULD systematize. I thought it was something you just WERE. You either were a networker or you weren't. Plus I'm an introvert who does not do well in big crowds so traditional networking TERRIFIED ME. Your system has let me leverage my own natural strengths to network with people as ME which makes for stronger -- and easier to maintain -- connections.
I reached out to someone about her podcast with the thank you note style you advocate. She invited me on the podcast. After our interview, I sent her a thank you card for having me on. She just reached out to hire me for a project."