#12: Customer Maturity as Marketing Strategy

Is your business missing the mark by not speaking to customers at the right level of understanding? Are you losing customers because your messaging is either too advanced or too basic for where they are?

In this episode of Sequence Over Strategy, I unpack the crucial concept of customer maturity and how it directly impacts your marketing success. I dive into why understanding exactly what your customers know and care about is the key to designing offers that truly resonate.

You'll learn what customer maturity is and what it means for you and your business. You will also hear about how aligning your marketing, messaging, and product strategy with your audience’s maturity level can bridge the gap between what you offer and what your customers actually need.

If you're ready to discover more about customer maturity and business model alignment and how you can make your model work, doors are open now for my Map Your Model Bootcamp right here and I'd love to welcome you in!




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